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Sofie Mariya Naeem

Promoting Mental Health Through Simple Self-Care Practices

As final exams and assignment deadlines are approaching, promoting mental health becomes very important. The intensified pressure and time constraints associated with academic demands can be stressful, resulting in self-care being neglected. Understanding the reasons responsible for this neglect is crucial for students to come up with strategies to promote their mental well-being and have it remain a priority, even in the face of academic pressure. 

The pressure to excel academically can lead students to fail to look after themselves because more time and energy are spent exclusively on school-related work. Students develop a mindset where they feel that making time for self-care is time-consuming and they can’t afford that loss in time. Putting academic tasks as the top priority can conceal the equally vital need for self-care. This neglect perpetuates a cycle of a decline in mental health, increasing the prevalence of physical and psychological issues such as depression, anxiety and stress-related disorders. These issues can negatively impact academics due to reduced concentration, mood and overall cognitive function. Additionally, the toll of stress can also manifest in a narrowed focus, hindering the importance of taking care of your mental well-being.

Making a conscious effort to promote mental health, through self-care practices, can put a stop to this cycle. Although time is a luxury students don’t have a lot of, allocating brief intervals for small, manageable efforts towards self-care can make a significant difference. Self-care is crucial because it reduces stress and anxiety, allows for an improved coping ability and boosts physical health through the maintenance of healthy habits. Healthy lifestyle habits are essential to promote mental health including exercise, food choices, sleep and social connection.

Regular exercise, a few times a week, such as daily walks, can improve your mood and overall health due to the release of ‘feel good’ chemicals also known as endorphine and serotonin. It can also provide a break from school work. Choosing to eat healthy food can enhance your energy and focus during the day. These foods carry lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that fuel the brain and protect it from stress. Engaging in daily habits such as eating breakfast, staying hydrated, meal prepping and drinking less caffeine, can substantially improve overall diet and nutrition. Adequate sleep each night is vital because it helps restore brain function and results in greater energy and vigilance. Following a consistent schedule, that reduces exposure to blue light, from screens, prior to bedtime, will help ensure this. Finally, maintaining social connections is essential because it helps provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. Social connection improves resilience to psychological issues promotes healthy habits and enhances quality of life. This can include study sessions, exercising or even quick check-ins with friends.

Promoting mental health, as the end of the semester approaches, is a necessity. Through the incorporation of small yet influential self-care practices, students can reduce their stress and strengthen their resilience to pressures associated with academics. Practices including regular exercise, healthy food choices, a regular sleep schedule and social connection, are feasible in the busiest of schedules. Investing in small practices of self-care not only provide a break from school-related work, but reduce overall stress and promote overall mental well-being.

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